Parkside-based the Royal Association for Deaf people has hit 2,000 followers on LinkedIn.
Follow RAD's page to get the latest updates and advice plus you can meet the team.
Even better many of the videos shared on the LinkedIn pages are filmed in the Parkside offices or around our beautiful campus so you can see what its like to be based here.
RAD provides services to deaf people in their first or preferred language, usually British Sign Language (BSL).
RAD's vision is "A future of opportunity, achievement and equality for deaf people".
Celebrating deaf culture and community is an essential part of what RAD does. With deaf people, and in collaboration with others, RAD innovates and delivers the services that deaf people want and need.
Founded in 1841, RAD is one of the oldest charities working with deaf people in the UK.
All RAD's support services are provided in first language; British Sign Language (BSL) or other preferred visual communication such as Signed Supported English (SSE), Makaton, or Deafblind manual/hands on.
For more information about RAD and the services it provides, or to talk to one of the RAD team online via Live Chat, please visit RAD's website:
For further information and to view the building, please contact the Joint Agents
Ewan Dodds
01206 809111
07957 862773
Maria Newman
01206 677677
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